Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Roller Skating!!!

Elle Belle adored the roller skating rank- I adore her eyes!
and this little ducky face that she is doing lately~
She adored her Booky~
Emmy LOVED roller skating. She patiently waited for Uncle Josh and Booky to visit so that we could go skating.
There were some highs--
lots of them~

and there were some lows~though not as many lows.
oh- and there was blood~
and tears.
but all in all- fun times were had by all.

Emmy really did have the time of her life.

She wants to go back right now.


Amber said...

I'm so excited I don't even know where to start...I can't believe you went roller skating without me AND there were Mother/Daughter splits involved?!? <3 Ps Emmy's hair is sooo long and beautiful!

Beach Borchardts said...

FUN! Iwant to again RIGHT NOW too!

Josh and Kelly said...

Fun!!! And Liz, why have you been hiding your mad splits skills all this time??!!

Carrie said...

LOL! I am SO not limber like that. I have been wanting to take Nathan skating! Looks fun!

nicole said...

How fun I need to take Hela roller skating but where.....not in Saint George Booo

Mandy said...

How fun! I didn't know roller skates even existed anymore :) hahaah... And um... very impressive splits! Yeah,.. pretty sure my fat rolls and 5th & 6th butt cheeks would prevent me from such a pose! You rock! :)