Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Then and Now-- I still love scrubs!

*I think I'm going to take a pic of each baby like this- hopefully, the surrounding will improve each time ;)


Beach Borchardts said...

He's done a good job staying thin!

Nick and Jesse Coleman said...

Tell me he doesn't deliver babies like that haha :) P.S. When do you guys take off for California? Is he doing OB-GYN out there? I think I might add that to my list of places to apply for residency, but I want to hear what people think of the program, so you guys will have to let me know...

Michigan Roys said...

Are the girls about the same age? So funny!

Jessie said...

if he becomes an obgyn, he BETTER blow those pics up and put them in the waiting room. adorable!! i love it!