Sunday, April 15, 2012

Emmy no curls!

I was flat ironing my hair one day and Ems wanted to see herself curless-

pretty darn cute--

I like the curls better of course- But it's good to know that she will be pretty if her curlies ever leave.


Amber said...

Of course she would still be beautiful but she looks too grown up without them and thats not okay.

Jamie said...

That second picture is not your child, it is you, exactly. When are you going to visit me? Now is good.

Beach Borchardts said...

Hre curlies better not ever leave!
but let' be honest she'd be cute bald! DARLING!

Carrie said...

Cute! I would be afraid to flat iron Auttie's hair! She is so squirmy! I love it straight and curly but curly better of course!!