Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Ellie's First Golf experience.

 Here she is putting for the first time---
 excitedly watching the ball roll~
clapping for herself as she ran down the green and straight to the hole-- where she just knew her ball would be-- it wasn't and she was shocked-- but she tried to putt it again-- and finished by picking it up and dropping it into the hole-- my kind of golfer!


Beach Borchardts said...

Obviously takes after her Booky in the golfing department! ha! She's certainl involved!! Actually Emmy is ykind of golfer-are we doe yet? I'll be over here doing something else! Call me when you're done!

Josh and Kelly said...

I love all this posting!!! I can just imagine the golfing scenario, you guys were smart with that divert the attention idea, that's what I employ while attempting to clean my house! Your girls are more adorable than ever, and you look fantastic! And I think you guys may just need to get a dog :)