Saturday, June 30, 2012

The funnest farm day ever!!!

 We went to the most fabulous farm while in Orlando--
 There were sheep to pet-- Elles wasn't sure about them.
 Booky helped with all of her animal nervousness.
 Emmy- being an animal whisperer- dove right in!

 Ellie loved loved the baby chick--

 As did Emmy.
 The baby duckie  brought the money shot of the day for BOTH girls-- I ADORE this picture!
 and this is my other favorite-- love it!

 these are all pretty darling too!
 checking out the sow.

 "These goats are going to KILL!"
 Emmy was in LOVE with the baby goats.
 Ellie overcame her fear
 Ems caught her very own chicken-- a fact that both she and I were VERY proud of!

 "I want to hold that hen!"

 Emmy is getting so tall!
 Not too tall for the pony rides thankfully.

 There was lots of time to be cute sisters--
I these too-- what a fun day at the farm-- we just love visiting Booky!


Beach Borchardts said...

Booky loved having them!!! Love that farm!

Jessie said...

oooooh! ducklings plus your cute girlies equals perfection. they are the sweetest things ever...