Saturday, March 23, 2013

We are officially Dr.&Mrs. Jason Frederick

The day has finally come! As of Friday, March 22 Jason is officially a doctor!! We still have residency to go- but we are DONE with med school- ahhhhhh- it doesn't even seem real ;) I'm so thankful to Jason- who has worked tirelessly to make our dreams a reality- he has studied, and studied some more- he has put in crazy hours and dealt with crazy people- (he also has dealt with some fabulous people ps) He has had to share a car and not have the "extras" - hebhas dealt with always wondering when the next loan check will be...BUT- he has done it! Whoot whoot! I am also thankful to Emmy- who has said waaaay too many goodbyes- who was my joy and sanity through dominica- who never had her own room for more than 3 months-and been such a good sport. And to Miss Ellie J- who has patiently made it through hours and hours and hours in the car and sung her way from state to state and house to house. And to Callahan who managed to hold on in my tummy through 4 moves- 3 of them being cross country- who came home to a different house from the one he learned how to smile in...and to me ;) for still for packing and unpacking and then packing again ;) I really love Joseph B Wirthlin's quote "Come what may and love it" I feel like he had this journey in mind when he said it- he knew I would need it- but thanks to his perspective- I have LOVED this time and wouldn't trade it for anything. This might be the longest blog post ever- but- I'm just so happy that we've gotten this far and am looking forward to "loving" residency ;)


McArthur Family said...

I really do think you ALL are amazing for all you've been through and have accomplished! I too love Elder Wirthlin's "Come what may and love it!"

Josh and Kelly said...

Such a happy time!!! We have one more month and then we'll be there too. I am so impressed with you guys and all your moving and making it as fun as can be. Can't wait to hear about all your new adventures!

Beach Borchardts said...
