It has been COLD --
So we have been drawing a lot
Doing crafts from Christmas
Playing with friends- Emmy's best friend is Luke - they adore each other
Being coo ku stir crazy
Playing play dough
A lot
Emmy was the artistic director for this nativity - yes Jesus is a little black redheaded baby- those are rare ;)
When the sun finally decided to shine - we ran outside and played!!
Hey Liz- cute blog! This is crazy but I have the exact same yellow kitchen cupboard... woah! I really like the nativity playdough depiction- cool. We've been sort of stir-crazy ourselves being inside so much. I need to get moving here and plan some fun outings next week. I pretty much reorganized my entire basement in the last few days which is a little ridiculous. I am not even sure if it looks any better now that it is all done... sigh. So sad. It looks like you guys have done a lot of cool activities even though you've been inside. How fun! :)
That deleted comment was mine because I accidentally commented put my comment up twice-whoops!
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