Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter festivities!!

 Callan found his first egg- opened it and ate all the candy- and the hunt continued like that...
 his basket was full of empty eggs- ha!

 we LOVE a good Easter Egg Hunt!

 checking out their spoils!

Papa and Goi loving their lives!

 Callahan is all boy-- he LOVES to play with any ball!
 future soccer champ
 I ADORE this picture-- here she is checking out her stash from the bunny this morning.
Here is Callan-- my manly man in his borrowed "Big Sister" nightgown...eating a candy necklace. Bwahahahah! I have NEVER put his hair in a pony tail- or bows in his hair- or dressed him in his sisters' clothes-- so I'm thinking that's why I find this little moment is as funny as I think it is-- just don't tell his Dad!

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