Sunday, April 20, 2014

First Bath for Cavan!

 Cavan's little/huge cord came off!
 He had his first tubby!
 Everybody got in on it-
 all the kids helped scrub him-
 He LOVED his bath-- or rather- he didn't hate it-
 What a brave boy!! I love this pic because he looks so unimpressed and you can see his chubby thighs ;) he literally didn't cry in his bath-- not even at the beginning.
 He did cry for a minute when we got him out--
 but was fine once a towel was on him
 never mind my natural- face and bangs-- I loved this picture- makeup or not.
 and in this one it looks like he is grinning with glee- ha!

 This angel boy- I can't get enough of him.
this pic was out of focus-- but he was so cute I felt like it was worth posting,


Jessie said...

you have to be kidding me. you're so beautiful liz. :)

Grammy said...

First bath laughing??? SOOO dang cute!