Friday, November 25, 2011

Brake Changing~

Jason is the world's most amazing husband~ not only did he change the brakes the night (he didn't get off until waaaay after dark)before our trip to St. George- he entertained the girls (so I could do the laundry) while he was at it--

I know-- he really is super Dad/Husband and I am thankful for him!

Fall is FUN!!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Booky and Emmy getting nails--paradise!

It was my mom's FIRST time getting nails-- GROGEOUS!

The nicest ladies in the WORLD did Emmy's nails for free while she waited- I'm in love-- not as in love as Stari (I think Abi Star might be a toddler in tiaras)

Is this not the cutest thing ever?!

I LOVE to have my nails done- and now Emmy does too!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU momma- one of my happiest girl time memories.

Time Out for Women~please go!

I know, you're thinking...women- not Emmy- we are having seperation anxiety issues. It was the BEST time-- happy b day to Star and Ems and hooray for ALL of us being together! Thanks again Mom.

Me- and my favorite 3 year old!!!

The First Hot Cocoa of the season!

It's that time of year again!

Hot Cocoa from my Grammy's pot...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. home.

9 month old!!!

oh so cute!-- I was waiting for her to feel better before I took the pic-- but she has been sick this whole month. STILL no teeth~ she crawls everywhere- fast~she stands alone for a few seconds~she climbs stairs~giggles when you smell her toes~waves~AND shakes her head no. Yes, she is brilliant!

Elle Belle is a DELIGHT-- she is 9 months of fun~ she is a busy busy bee... you can't leave anything out or she'll get into it.

my little sicky girl.

Could she be cuter!? and her hair just gets longer- love it!

On Saturday nights we have a sleepover downstairs in front of the fireplace-- I love what a wild little sleeper she is!

Her gravitational pull towards messes is stronger than that of the sun...

Her ability to MAKE messes is also amazing-- I know it should make me tired~ but I just delight in this adorable little girl.

and here is Emmy at Ellie's 9 month shoot.

My latest obsession~ felt food.

So~ I have 10000 posts to catch up on-- and what am I posting about? Felt Food... yep, I'm sick!

Emmy has asked Santa for a play kitchen- and so I thought I would make some things to fill it (should Old Saint Nick cough up the goods)

I feel some VERY fun food parties posts coming our way soon.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Ok- Our costumes started out like this.... my dress was found in the lingerie department of goodwill (I road I would NOT recommend taking...) the cloak started as two curtains and Jason's was a woman's coat ~and from these humble beginnings...
we ended up like THIS!!! a Tangled family- (Flynn Rider, Mother Gothel, Rapunzel herself, and adorable little Pascal)

Who says watching TV isn't interactive?

The Great Pumpkin Photo shoot~

There are about a million-- but I LOVED them all and figured that you would too! ;) Happy Halloween.