Saturday, March 22, 2014

My red headed moment

The Burger King has a red canopy and it made my hair look red- and brought out my preggo freckles-- it was such a happy moment 

Callahan Fox-

This boy is perfect.

Disney on Ice! Princesses and Heroes--

Daddy got us tickets to Disney on Ice for Valentine's -- Ellie has been talking about it every day since then-- and the day finally came!!!

Both girls decided to be Rapunzel-- and they took getting their hair done very seriously.
The show inspired them-
They came up with all of these poses on their own

We had amazing seats!! 

The girls LOVED it.
Minus the dragon from Sleeping Beauty-- which they both bravely hated. 
But Callan loved it best of all-- he clapped to the beat- danced along and freaked out at the scary parts 
He was enthralled.

Cavanaugh Jay 37 week ultrasound!!

Just so you can see 
The arrows are pointing at his hair!!! Ah! I love him so much ;) what color is it?! 
And here he is-- his face is a little squished by the placenta-- but look at his cuteness!!! Those large cheeks are edible ;) 

As you can see- the ultrasound says he is LARGE 8lbs 3 oz to be exact-- and he is in the 98% they say... This is the first "size ultrasound" I have ever had so I'm curious to see if they are close or way off.