Sunday, September 29, 2013

Family evening walks

Lately- the weather has been amazing and Jason has been working evenings- so it's been more "afternoon walks" we walk along the river- passing firefly lane and honeysuckle way-- the girls' latest scenically named location is butterfly meadow-- we just love this place!

A day

It was one of those days- before 9 am I had cleaned up off the floor - 2 poops and half a jar of peanut butter... We then went to Burger King - where Emmy feel off the play place into the wood chips far below-- getting a face full of scraps- a bloody lip and head full of chips... Then, we came home and went on walk-- where Elles decided to stomp in an ant pile-- earning her over a dozen abt bites. So, we came home and Daddy headed to work-- at which time Emmy knocked over the laptop (causing only a temporary brea) while Callahan was slobbering my phone speakers to the point that they didn't work for hours. It was just one of those days-- fun but crazy!

Little ku kus!

Seriously, the cutest bunch around ;)

Caramel apples!!

Jason decided to make our Sunday dessert- yum!!!
Fall flavored here we come!