Friday, January 10, 2014

Emmy at a glance

Emmy is the best helper.
She is starting to understand the importance of positive reinforcement and is always telling me that I am "as beautiful as the sun" and singing songs about how I am  "the best mom in the world".
She has definite opinions about what is and is not cute and loves to pick her own clothes-- when given the chance- she goes fancy every time... Dress, shiny shoes and all. 
She gets scared.
She is bossy- but doesn't have to be the boss.
If Jason and I are sitting- or laying next to each other- she hops in the middle very single time and declares that she is the "creme or frosting of the cookie" 
She must be included in the attention- she doesn't have to be the center- but she has to be part of it. 
She gets frustrated easily and whines- but always accomplishes the task. 
Emmy loves to imagine.
Life is happy for Emmy- she is often delighted- by everything. 
I love her tenderness ;) 

Ellie at a glance

Elles is at such a fun stage!
The world is a fantasy land- she is always spreading pixie dust or freezing something- or using magic to get rid of the bad guys.
She loves stories and wants to hear them constantly- her favorites being the 3 little pigs, the gingerbread man, little black sambo and little red riding hood. 
She loves singing and dancing and afterwards tells me how beautiful it was-- or that I need to say thank you and/or clap. 
She is independent and wants to do things on her own and when the task is accomplished she is very proud.
She is a work horse! She loves to help and never needs to be asked more than once to clean up or move something.
She decides when she wants to be obedient and sometimes just does what she wants- not caring what I am saying. 
She loves Daniel Tiger's neighborhood and Super Why.
She would sit on my lap and cuddle all day long- sucking on a binky- if she could. 
She is amazing at sharing and is always sweet to Callan and almost always sweet to Emmy 
She loves to be included- but uses the excuse of "I'm too little" if she is nervous to do something. 
She is a delight.

Callahan at a glance

He is playful. 
He Waits until I ask him to come change him-and then smiles while I beg him and comes running with his arms up and open- ready for a hug-while I cheer.
He comes up and hugs all the time.
He is starting to participate and gets mad if he is left out.
He bites when he gets excited- out of love. 
He loves to march and run and play chase and spin and dance. 
He adores being the center of attention- but also loves to share the spotlight. 
He is obedient and a good listener.
He is making an effort to learn words- he will watch you say something and then try to repeat it. 
He is very sweet.
He is engaging and charming.
He is a Crazy eater with a very grown up palate. He adores smoked salmon and onions.
He loves his mommy, daddy and sisters.