Sunday, April 11, 2010

Family pictures in April

so, today at church my friend Paige wanted me to snap some pics of her family
she sweetly returned the favor and WOW,
I don't know whether the lighting was good- the camera liked taking pictures in a church-
or Paige is just a great photographer- ( I think it was a little of all three) -
but she got 3 VERY cute pics of our whole family-
I love that we all look happy AND have our eyes open AND we are looking at the camera-
this is a feat- THANKS Paige!

these are 2 different pics- I know they look the same- but they were both cute so hooray!

the SPRING Festival!!!

fun times! the spouse organization had a very fun spring festival-
I brought cookies and then played like crazy!
Emmy didn't get most of the games- but she did have a few faves :)

she won the cake walk- TWICE!

beach ball bowled like a CRAZY women!

Jason joined us for a cakewalk win a bit of bowling and PIZZA! woot woot!

they made these fun Confetti Eggs- hopefully this can be a new tradition- we'll have to see :)