Saturday, December 28, 2013

Can't get enough of this boy

25 wks Cavanaugh jay

Saying goodbye to Jingle

Our real Christmas Eve!!!

Jason worked the whole Christmas week- so Friday night he has off and doesn't work until Saturday night shift-- so it's Christmas Eve!!!

We asked Santa if he could come Friday night and he said yes ;)
Callan's Santa pile
And Ellie's ;) 

The days of Christmas ;)

Jason worked on Dec 24--so we went to the McDonald's play place 

Where my kids are sooo happy

And to a park

I find baby Jesus in the oddest places
On Christmas Day we visited daddy...
Went to the park again
Painted a nativity 
I let the girls have free reign- and it turned out soo cute ;)  

Friday, December 27, 2013

Freezing Fall walks

We got to actually meet our friend Kelly in real life ;)

Jason has a great friend named Kelly -- or as Emmy said "jelly" 
I've been Facebook friends with her forever but we finally got to meet in person!!!

We had so much fun! 

Christmas preparations

Cocoa from my Grammy Lloyd's teapot ;) 

Picking our tree ;)
On its way home!
Little crazies 
On Black Friday there was the world's best Santa -- we all loved him.

Adorable ;)