Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Auntie Amber!!!

I was talking to Amber and turned around to see this-- Elles sleeping- basically standing up- here is a very late not on the correct day WW post Amber-- happy birthday!

On the big day= the girls wore their b day were...

We went outside and ate leaves...

This is Emmy saying HAPPY 30th!

They even got glitter in their hair!

It was a love filled day

I just loved this pic because the profile is edible!

Happy B day Auntie Amber! we love you!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Dettinger Reunion!!!

It's TRUE! We got to see Kelly, Shane and our newest friend Marissa!

Let's just say Emmy was in LOVE- with Marissa.

Our children playing in the sand-- there are more girls now-- but the sand eating apparently follows us.

Emmy and Shane weren't the lovers they once were-- they used to make out 24/7 and yell to each other across the courtyard-but they were still friends!


so-- the number of our children has doubled-- and we are all a lot paler-- but my heart is still as happy seeing Kelly as it was seeing her every day in Dominica--I will forever be grateful to that island for the amazing friends it gave me!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Life is pretty darn fun!

How the girlies spend a LOT of their time.

making pizzzas with our friends the Mays

playing- running and most importantly- SINGING!

Photo Shoot with Miss Penelope

Don't worry- I took these last ones in rapid succession-- I just love her little cry face and had to capture it-

Photo shoot with Miss Emmalina

the emotions of a 3 year old

So~ one of my friends did this with her daughter a long time ago- and I vowed to do it when Emmy was old enough-- so without further ado- here are Emmy's version of the emotions written on each picture ;)

Friday, March 9, 2012

V day!

we had a "we love Daddy" outfit day!

This was the Sunday before Valentine's

Junior birdman-- and... both girls do it.

see!- it's so funny!

Seriously- the cutest girls alive!

Jason's traditional edible flowers- that I first made for him while we were dating- and it was so great that we had to keep going!

Emmy shared with our neighbor friend- Micheal-- I just love how happy she is to have shared ;)