Monday, June 28, 2010

8 WEEKS ~ 2 months pregnant with Sugarbean

Whoot whoot! we are on our way.
Facts so far:
we are going home in 2 weeks!
red meat
the fact that we've seen the crazy little heartbeat
that Sugar now has fingers and toes (I know, SO cute)
the almost constant nausea
the occasional vomiting
the INTENSE exhaustion
worrying that everything I eat here will kill my baby
having to eat all of the time so that I don't throw up.

Goodbye braids-

Here is how I went to church- not all the way out- but on their way.
Here is the fake hair before I threw it away= gross. Also- my maid somehow found bleach and used it strangely on our sheet- the funny part is that I don't have any bleach in the house to prevent this kind of thing from happening.


My mom was asking my what I would and would not miss about Dominica- I thought I would start throwing things in whenever I saw them- I WILL miss the crabs and the "National Geographic" moments every day.
I will NOT miss the horrible bugs EVERYWHERE- I included the gecko because I have almost killed this particular guy about 20 times before I realized that he was friend and not foe.

Yes, Emmy still has her ba ba- and normally she just lays nicely and drinks it- but when she has a cold, we will take just about any feeding position.


Friday Fun at Sister's Quarry.

It's actually Sister's Beach- but I just can't call a pile of rocks a beach- I prefer quarry- or cove
We had such a fun time throwing the rocks into the ocean.

I thought this was such a nice pic- just pretty.

I LOVED this pis- again- pretty!

So much fun

Emmy is so much fun right now~
she is just cute and sweet

the occational fit is TERRIBLE- but we are really enjoying this stage.

and once in a while- she still makes this face (something I hope she never loses)