Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Coming home decor

Cavan coming home was honestly, a little sad--we had cute matching outfits for the kids- and I had a vision of them wearing them as they met their brother. Everyone laughing and smiling as they opened little gifts from Cavanaugh and I took pictures of everyone's first meeting... what ended up happening was us sneaking in the back door- after the kids were asleep- well after 10:00 pm-- and hiding in the back bedroom the whole next day so we weren't polluted by the sickness of the home.
Papa, josh and the kids got a purple balloon (not pictured)- Ellie tied this welcome ribbon
And the girls drew all kinds of welcome pictures-- 
I put this on the table and decided to take pictures of them holding him (minus Emmy) the first time in their little welcome clothes-- and we can just keep the presents for later-- they are just happy to have him now-- and I'm really the only one who had a vision of what I thought would happen-- and I couldn't have asked for a more perfect baby-- so even though it's not what I imagined-- it was fine-- and will be a great story later ;)

Nakey Baby Cavanaugh Jay.

 We are 4 for 4 with getting Nakey Baby pictures-- I'm quite proud.
 With both boys the pictures were taken right when we were being separated from Jason-- at least this time it's only for 3.5 weeks-- Callan is was 6+ weeks.

 If you look to the left- you can see the slide show of Emmy's Nakey Baby shoot-- I need to put all of them up together ;)

 Cavan doesn't have black feet-- he didn't get his feet stamped because of the nicu party-- so they gave me some little ink pads to do it myself--- i scrubbed his feet with vaseline like they told me too-- but the residue is still there- oh well

just a little field of purple flowers.

 this is the hill by our river walk-- spring in GA is glorious.

 of course Pepper the cat had to be a part of the mini photo shoot- ridiculous.

Cavanaugh Jay hospital photo shoot.

 I only got a few of this angel boy while we were in the hospital-- the light wasn't great

 but I loved the shots I got -- mostly because they register 1% of how perfect he is in real life.

 I can't believe how much he has changed already- and it's only been a week~ I feel like we wait so long for this sweet new born and then that stage is gone in a blink.

 I'm pretty sure that he got one of my dimples!!! the jury is still out-- but if it's there, like I think it is-- it's official- he is my favorite- I've been waiting for a dimple to show up somewhere in my children-- so far only my nephew Ryan has gotten an adorable dimple-- and I feel like that's not really fair.
 the hair-
 the most perfect little nose-- that I love so so much because I can see it without a rotten, and life saving air tube.
and as always I can't get enough of these baby tootsies-- his are like little monkey feet-- I just love him.