Sunday, May 20, 2012

Our BEST nature walk yet~

 We saw a turtle-
 We caught a pollywog!

 Who was so cute-- I couldn't stand it!
 Saw gorgeous birds!

 Picked blackberries-- ahhhhhh!
 (which is where our nightly tragedy occurred--  Ems got scratched by the evil blackberry bush)

 Ellie's first picking experience ~
 AND here is her very first ponytail-- are you kidding?  Sooooo cute!

 We also caught a lady bug--
 AND found the world's tiniest clam-- I know-- the tiniest/cutest little night!
 We had to catch 4 little pollywogs- that now live at home with us-- these are Emmy's happy/what the heck faces.

 The night ended with a telling of Peter Rabbit and while eating blackberries and cream (that we picked ourselves) just like Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail.
Don't you love these little cuties-- the faces are pure delight.

Not to be left unattended...

 So today Jason and I spent-- oh, I don't know- 15 minutes looking at residency programs-- on the couch- 3 feet from the outdoor patio, where the girls were playing quietly (this should have been my first red flag)
 I started smelling something nice... like VS Lovespell... and they came in WHITE with lotion that they had painted themselves with- how cute.
They are NOT to be left unsupervised... ever. At least it was lotion and not poop...

Armed Forces Day is a PARTY!

 We have had the best weekend-- Saturday day we went to a library street party-- to kick off their summer reading program-- there were carnival games...
 and there was a firetruck!
 Oh- and a VERY ghetto version of Minnie showed up.... bless her heart-- but Emmy was over the moon and kept asking her "what are you doing HERE?!"
 Then that night there was "Thunder Over Augusta"-- a celebration to honor Armed Forces Day--
 Ellie's new thing is to "fly like a bird"-- she flaps her wings and runs just like Emmy does-- it's so cute.
 There was a dog on the blanket behind us-- let's just say, Emmy didn't need the fireworks...
 There was a Jo Dee Mesina concert, blow up things and the best fireworks show I have seen yet-- all for FREE!

 They also had tanks that you could explore!

It was sooooo fun-- Elles HATED the fireworks at first and cried her eyes out for the first 2 songs-- just about the time she started to like it-- my patrioticness got to me and I cried my eyes out-- finally we all got control of ourselves and LOVED the end-- Emmy had to fly with joy and Elles would burst into applause when one was really bright.