Sunday, May 20, 2012

Not to be left unattended...

 So today Jason and I spent-- oh, I don't know- 15 minutes looking at residency programs-- on the couch- 3 feet from the outdoor patio, where the girls were playing quietly (this should have been my first red flag)
 I started smelling something nice... like VS Lovespell... and they came in WHITE with lotion that they had painted themselves with- how cute.
They are NOT to be left unsupervised... ever. At least it was lotion and not poop...


Beach Borchardts said...

It's good that you can see the bright side that it culd have been worse! ha1 Those 2 are creative!!

Jessie said...

before you spend too much time on looking at residencies, talk to paul. he made this crazy huge spread sheet with number of hours/week of each program, if they are opposed or unopposed, sorted by states and scores you have to get to get in, etc... might be worth it to take a look.

on your girls always in their undies/diapers... CUTE. even when they are messy and covered in expensive lotion, CUTE. please come play soon.