Sunday, April 17, 2011


oh my word- what 2 month old has hair like this?
SCOOTER! yes the left is how she started...and the right is where she ended up when i looked back at her-she is such a crazy kicker that she scooted that much.

The Step 1~

lately- we have been doing some of this (Cinderella watching Cinderella)
a lot of this- playing at the lake- and yes those are Emmy's newest obsession- tadpoles
going on walks and playing "mommy" (oh wait that's my life!)
(the first bath) you may notice a common theme in these top pictures- Jason is nowhere to be found...
that's because he was here (we call it the cave) his little study nook- bless him for spending his every waking moment in this tiny little spot.
BUT on April 12, 2011 Jason took his USMLE STEP 1- it was a VERY HAPPY DAY!! Since then we have been doing of the following:
helping me!!!
going to Disney and having FAMILY time!
and napping (ok- this was just once but I thought the pic was so cute it had to be included)-- among a lot of other things.
so- the story with this picture is that Apple sent Jason a whole bunch of things- I kept them and wrapped them so that we could have an after Step Celebration and celebrate we did! HOORAY for J and all of the hard work he does for us-