Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Step 1~

lately- we have been doing some of this (Cinderella watching Cinderella)
a lot of this- playing at the lake- and yes those are Emmy's newest obsession- tadpoles
going on walks and playing "mommy" (oh wait that's my life!)
(the first bath) you may notice a common theme in these top pictures- Jason is nowhere to be found...
that's because he was here (we call it the cave) his little study nook- bless him for spending his every waking moment in this tiny little spot.
BUT on April 12, 2011 Jason took his USMLE STEP 1- it was a VERY HAPPY DAY!! Since then we have been doing of the following:
helping me!!!
going to Disney and having FAMILY time!
and napping (ok- this was just once but I thought the pic was so cute it had to be included)-- among a lot of other things.
so- the story with this picture is that Apple sent Jason a whole bunch of things- I kept them and wrapped them so that we could have an after Step Celebration and celebrate we did! HOORAY for J and all of the hard work he does for us-


Beach Borchardts said...

hooooray for all of you!! It will have been worth it!

Carrie said...

LOVE the picture where he is sleeping and has his finger in her mouth. LOL cute!

Josh and Kelly said...

Oh this post makes me happy! Way to go Jason! Now I will only be happier when it is June 1 and that is me! And the hair- wow, lucky girl! She got good genes :)