Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Beautiful Girl...

she loves flowers- as all girls should :)
those eyes...

the river, the river!

I thought this was cute, because it looked like she was smelling them-- I think that she was trying to eat them (but forgot about the bink)

Jason is insisting that the "Island Princess-as her onsie calls her) tan WITHOUT her binkie for the next few days- I might agree with him; only because someone the other day asked what was wrong with the skin around her mouth and why wouldn't it tan-- wow.


Beach Borchardts said...

I LOVE the outfit and can't believe she's in it already-I thought it would be too big!!
She is indeed an Island Princess!!

Unknown said...

Once again, the cutest Island Princess I've ever seen! I don't know how you get these amazing shots! I'll have a fantastic photo album by the time you leave the island!