Tuesday, June 23, 2009

the tongue the tongue!

Emmy's lizard impression.

yes-we read all of those books today- wow-- the rain makes for long days... :)

drooling girl :)


Unknown said...

I LOVE the tongue! Did you get more than one dress in the box? I sent 3??????

Beach Borchardts said...

You'd drool too if that big thing was in your mouth!! Oh wait----it is! ha!

ronborchardt@yahoo.com said...

Wow what a cutie... looks like she is having a super time and you guys even have an indoor pool
Keep up the great photo journal for those of us who miss you so much and wish we could be there....

ronborchardt@yahoo.com said...

When you share your happy memories it reminds us of the times when you guys were little, we were young, and how in the blink of an eye
we are where we are
with a tear sliding
down our cheek
and a sigh