Friday, July 10, 2009

Kelly!! here is it...

He didn't clean up at all...this is the little side area inside of the bedroom.
kitchen and front door.

bedroom - I am standing in the little side area next to the bathroom.

front room

front room from the front door- the kitchen is out of the shot to my right

1 comment:

Josh and Kelly said...

Okay, we want it! Yea! I am so excited! You're right, that little side area off the bedroom is quite spacious. So is the front room. And honestly, our bathroom for the past 2 1/2 years really was just as bad. Email me and let me know how we can secure it. And if we should bring some kind of shelfing something or other? I didn't really see dressers. Maybe we could rig a curtain for the extra space. Anyways, email me. And thank you!!!