Monday, August 3, 2009

Bonkies- the first forhead bump ;(

She was in my lap and bonked on the edge of the table... waaa.
I'm glad I got this picture-- this is her new thing-- she does this with her tongue all of the time.

She doesn't seem any worse for the wear... she only cried for a minute and then was miss giggle pants.
I'm sure it's the first of many bumps and bruises-I hate to think of it.


Unknown said...

Twisty tongue girl! Since Jordan's been walking he has a permanent purple bump on his head...The boys did until they were 5 - or was it 30?

bryce and paige said...

don't worry, I accidentally let Logan fall off the couch today. It was a miracle he didn't get hurt. It's the age of many ouchies.

Beach Borchardts said...

I hate it! Just guard her front teeth!! ha