Friday, September 25, 2009

Emmy and her puppy...

Emmy has seen pictures of her cousin Jordan with his puppy and she was a little jealous...
so who needs a pedicure place?! ok- me (I ache for those bubble soaks, massaging chairs and magic hands of the pedicure woman or man) ! but this is about as Halloweeny as toes can get in Dominica!

Thankfully Josh brought down a puppy for her when he came :)

Let's just say that Emmy LOVES her puppy.


nicole said...

I love the puppy pictures! I just wanna hug and kiss Emmy!! Your toes are amazing!

Jessie said...

good job on the tiny spider. i am impressed! :)

Beach Borchardts said...

such a low maintenance puppy! That's the kind to have!! said...

The perfect puppy and toes.... said...

So teach Dave to do toes...
Cheap island pedicurist will do house parties....