Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Spear fishing at Toucari Bay-

Look at Jason go=
lots of looking... not so much spearing-- but aren't the fish to die for!?

Jason is amazing :)

he looks professional.

"who's in there?"


Diamond Ranch Academy said...

I know Jason is going to Med school, and that must be tough, but it sure looks like you guys have tonz of time for amazing adventures!

Unknown said...

Jason needs to be on one of those adventure reality shows! Pics ARE gorgeous!

Beach Borchardts said...

How fun to be able to capture this!! I shutter to think who may be in there! He is so skinny too!

nicole said...

hiiiiiiiiiiii these pics are awesome!!!!!!!!! So what camera are you using to take these amazing pictures????? OKAY I LOVE YOU GUYS BYEEEEEEEEEEEE

ronborchardt@yahoo.com said...

Looks great....
The fun never stops