Wednesday, September 23, 2009

we got a package and Emmy loves her backpack!

I'm sorry- but are you serious? my family found this teeny tiny mini backpack...
Emmy loved it!

I would say that the backpack made her march- but she always marches.

here she is- marching!

and again- she now only walk marches- she pretty much only crawls when she HAS to.


Nick and Jesse Coleman said...

That's adorable. I love anything miniature for little kids! :)

Jessie said...

that is the tiniest backpack EVER! :)

Beach Borchardts said...

A perfect fit!! Way to go Papa! A place to put her shell friend! ha

Shauna said...

The Back Pack is almost as awesome as your family.
She is too cute for words!!!!!!

bryce and paige said...

I love little baby/kid backpacks! She is too much fun

Michigan Roys said...

Perfect! Even better that she actually likes to wear it. Now maybe she can help carry some groceries or water! :-)

nicole said...

SOOOO CUTE. Hela got a little backpack like that for his first birthday and it's sooo cute on him but he doesn't like to wear it very often. I love that Emmy is so easy going nothing seems to bother her much! She's amazing.......I can't believe she's walking CRAZY...she was so tiny when she left me...ahhhh sad! oh and P.S we need to talk...Hela fell last night and had to get his first stitches waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so sad....equal to him falling down your stairs ahhhhh said...

Carry the load, do your share, and learn learn, learn all while you find joy. Emmy is a great example to us all.
She is more a young lady and less a baby every day.