Saturday, October 3, 2009

Emmy LOVES her guavas-

so cute-
she really gets into them...
messy messy!

Guavas= LOVE!


nicole said...

how cute! Oh and why does Jason look like he's been studying for a million days straight??? Tell him that his fake smile makes me SOO HAPPY because that's LEVI ha ha ha. Anyways, Jason looks skinny tell him to go eat ha ha just playing i Know it's the studying and all that blah blah k love you guys and don't worry Jason you look great!

Beach Borchardts said...

When Emmy goes to be a model Jason will have to be one too! What is going on with that boy?????? said...

You will be seeking the tropical fruit sources when you come back to the states.
If Jason can bottle the slimming agent you will be king and queen and princess of the world....