Monday, October 5, 2009

NATURE! at it's Dominican finest...

usually I DESPISE when my daughter's hairbows somehow end up on our rotweilers collar...
our fun little crab- we found on the way to campus.

a passion fruit flower- aren't they cool? It looks like it belongs in a Dr. Suess book.

the same little crab- don't you love it's colors?

the sad news is that he ran under a car's tire right after this- so I'm glad that I caught his last moments on film :)


Beach Borchardts said...

That's the saddest thing I've ever heard!

Borchardt's said...

Emmy is the cutest little girl in the world!!! WOW! I love her hair! I love to look at your blog it is always so fun to see the pics of dominica!!

Josh and Kelly said...

Ha ha ha ha... not about the crab, but about Buster. I looked him the other day and thought, "that bow's a little girly for you." Now that I know it's Emmy's it makes it that much funnier. But yeah, probably not so much for you.

Jessie said...

yeah, how DID that bow get on your guard dog? :)

nicole said...

poor little crab...I love you guys