Friday, November 20, 2009

Busy girl --> Sleepy Girl

these aren't in order... she was a CRAZY girl at subway today.
then passed out on the way home.

yes the crazy diddle diddle dumppling...

more of the sleepy peepy

she fell asleep sitting up and fell over!


Jessie said...

of course she fell asleep sitting up. what a good little baby you have. :)

Beach Borchardts said...

That doesn't look so comfortable!!

Michigan Roys said...

So, I realized the other day that if each foot long is about $20 and we bought 3 then it would come to $60. I have always said that was just too much. I then realized that I pay $61 for chinese delivery. I might have to go to Subway just once before we leave. Unless the foot long costs $30. Just thought I'd let you know :-)

Cameron and Kaley Stymeist said...

SOOOOOOOO cute!!! I love her so much!!! Love you guys!! said...

Go until they drop and be there always ready with an adventure when they wake.
Simple fun parenting to bring super spirits and train super parents for the future.

Grammy said...

So wonderful she can go, go, go and just fall asleep, what a darling!