Thursday, January 14, 2010

I think~ the last St. Lucian post...

the last of the pool- waaaa and Emmy's new suit!

the lazy river- one of our favorite places!

Emmy's new passion- nanas!

For those of you who don't do chess- I was the black and won like crazy!


Beach Borchardts said...

Oh, how many shades of blue are there on one island??????? Ridiculous!! I love it! The scenery is just unreal!! I love her little suit! Looks comfy!

Josh and Kelly said...

I love seeing all the fun things you guys did- it is making me want to go there!

nicole said...

i love emmy's swimming is so adorable on her little tan back!!!!!! her hair is in sane I can't even believe how blonde it is....and I love everything about your fun trip! I want to come NOWWWWW

Chelsie said...

St. Lucia=Heaven (and I want to go there right now!)

Isn't that big chess board fun? That is the exact place Keith taught me how to play chess! I'm glad you took a turn with it!

Grammy said...

The chess set it fun, I think they boys tried to ride them on our last cruise --I can't believe you beat Jason...what's goin' on there?