Sunday, May 9, 2010

sappy post!

I'm normally not a sappy poster~ BUT it is Mother's Day after all...
I have to take just a minute to tell my sweet little daughter how
much I love her. This picture describes perfectly how I am always
feeling. I have loved every second of being Emmy's mother- I have
wanted her to "be stuck" in every stage she has passed through so far-
and the condition continues~ everything about her makes me happy-
she is every dream I have ever had wrapped up into a precious,
fun, curly, blonde package. I want her to stay just as she is~ she is
perfect and I couldn't love her more- but that's what I thought last
week too and she still shocks me! If you haven't ever heard "If I only
had today" by Hillary Weeks- listen to it- NOW- it will change your
life for the good- I was lucky to hear this song when I was pregnant
with Emmy- it helped me to be a better mother than I would have
been and I am thankful for it. I love my little family- I'm thankful
for my amazing Jason and little Emmers- and at the risk of sounding
like the "Seriously So Blessed" Girl- I have to say that I AM so blessed
and I couldn't love my life more.


Carrie said...

I will check that song out... So happy you are having a wonderful Mother's Day and it is just not today but every day that you are a HAPPY mom! :)

bryce and paige said...

You are so sweet, and no, this is not sappy. It's perfect. I wish they could all stay in their various stages. I love ALL the stages, actually not the one where Logan is so destructive, but everything else I love, for sure.

Jessie said...

aw... :) so sweet. you are a great mom liz.

McArthur Family said...

Liz, you are a blessed to enjoy the here and now and so wise to do so. I too absolutely love that song and listen to that cd in the car everyday. Emmy is so blessed to have a mother who appreciated ALL aspects of motherhood.

You are an example to us all!
Love you!

Beach Borchardts said...

awwwwwwwwwwww!!! I love it! You have a lucky little girlxoxoxox

nicole said...

aww I love Liz, Emmy and Jason :). Thanks for my blog update I LOVE IT!

Josh and Kelly said...

I love sappy Liz posts! You should do them more often!