Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sugarbean 4 months~16 weeks

The view from up top...
Things I am LOVING-
the fact that my belly is HUGE
that fact that I'm not as tired
my nails and hair are growing like crazy
that we get to find out SAT what this little person is!!!
(everyone put what you think it is and then I will post the final tally numbers)
Things I hate
that I cry all of the time (for ex. I cried listening to Hairspray- and not at the touching equal rights song- but when I listened to You Can't Stop the Beat~ because black and white people are now equal)
that I am still throwing up- EVERYWHERE
that everyone thinks I am due tomorrow


Jessie said...

jealous jealous jealous!!!! :) i am jealous of your gorgeous baby belly, jealous that you started showing AFTER you left us on the island, jealous that you are getting the belly that i WANT!!! we miss you like crazy! not jealous though about the throwing up still. yuck. i am sorry about that.

bryce and paige said...

You are the cutest pregnant girl ever. Really. I love that you cried listening to the last song in Hairspray. It's so funny because I literally have to put that song on just to KEEP myself from crying every day. It is the only movie that can make me happy when I'm having one of those "get me off of this island NOW" days. So sorry you're still throwing up! Shouldn't that be done by now!? And I'm going to just take a wild guess- I think it's another girl! Wouldn't it be nice to have a little playmate for Emmy!? Also, I'm so happy you're back from your vacay. I missed the updates, truly did. Thanks for keeping up. Your blog is my FAVE!

Cindy Lane said...

ahh liz you're so precious!! first, i LOVE your outfit! second, i wish i could touch your belly! it's so cute!! i hope everything goes well over the next few months girly! your little family is gorgeous! i'm so excited to see pictures of the new one when they arrive! yes.. i feel creepy saying that, but babies are such a gift! you're gorgeous!

Jamie said...

Ha! You are funny... and cute.

Beach Borchardts said...

Are you sure there aren't twins or triplets in there??? I think this kid has an olympic sized swimming pool and is doing laps like Ems did!