Monday, August 30, 2010

What a DAY!!!

Could this child be more flexible?- She goes into a stradle all of the time :)
Here she is gator wrestling- she says "gay-ta" just like Steve Irwin- so cute!
Today was a monumental day~ Emmy learned to blink, make a suspicious face, she caught her swimming suit across the room AND she caught her first snake- (I'm soooo sad that I didn't have a video on her- but I said "grab it Ems" and she just like lightning she GRABBED it and held it and looked at us like- what?!)


Norm and Cassi Beatty said...

Such a cutie! Her hair is getting so long!

Carrie said...

A REAL snake????? Eek!

Beach Borchardts said...

Swamp girl adventures! Can't wait to see her on Animal Planet-she may be discovered!

Grammy said...

Okay so the blinking and suspicious face may be normal...but cathcing a snake?? A FIRST??? How about NEVER!!! Craziness! Did her daddy have a heart attack?

Jamie said...

Oh, darn it, I forgot to document when my kids caught their first snake! Oh, wait, what am I thinking? My kids won't be touching snakes until they are 35.