Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What a difference just a few months makes!

Here is Emmy's BABY FACE the night before we left Dominica-

note the chubby little cheeks...

The CRAZY expression has remained- so don't worry!
This is less than 3 months ago-
This is now- (before we spent a few days at the pool)
It's like I'm watching Baby Emmy dissapear before my eyes- I'm not very good at goodbyes and this one has been hard- but I am loving little kid Emmy too- so that makes it easier.


Jessie said...

aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! she IS a big kid now!!! baby emmy, we miss you! :) i didn't think it was possible for her to continue to get cuter, but here she goes, proving me wrong, that gorgeous girl! i have 2032 marked on my calendar for Emmy and Matix's wedding... 24 would be a good age to get married, right? :)

Beach Borchardts said...

waaaaaaaaaaaaa, why can't they stay little longer??

Michigan Roys said...

Be prepared for antoher change when the new baby arrives. It's an overnight sort of thing because you leave her to go have the baby and she'll walk into the room and it's all different - but in a good way.