Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Weirdy Wednesday!

Yep- could she be happier with the cheese?
so happy

it's all fun and games until someone looses an eye- and beack (spelling)- and another eye- bless Emmy's destructive heart!

My friend has a "Wordless Wednesday" post- I feel like that title applies to this pic.

1 comment:

bryce and paige said...

Oh LIZ!! Where have I been, the second I started looking at your blog I wanted to start crying. I miss you! And beautiful Emmers. I can't wait for you to come to StG. We are looking in to Disneyland packages. Are you still up for it? How did you get your amazing cars!? Show me how to do it. We are going to need some asap. I was laughing so hard at the little chick being destroyed. TOO FUNNY. You are the best mom. I would have started yelling at Logan. Wow. I need to take a chill pill and laugh and take a picture instead. However, most of the time he destroys REALLY expensive thing (like our video camera last week) so I guess I'm a little justified in yelling. I love you, MISS YOU!! Can't wait to see you in December! Your belly is looking so cute. Makes me halfway want to be pregnant. Only halfway though. :)