Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What to do?!

what do you do when it is pouring at MS?-- play in the gift shop
and then play some more...
what do you do when it is STILL raining 5 hours later and you don't want Emmy's jammies to get wet? dress her in daddy's sweatshirt...
what do you do when you have played in the gift shop until you've dropped?
give up and let the girls play in the rain!
what do you do when Jason was at the ER all night long from 8pm-7am? Emmy and I went to Burger King- at 8:30 am so that J could sleep (here she is playing in her jammies- ghetto!)- we then went to our clubhouse and showered and then swam in the baby pool and finally went home to wake up Daddy at 1:00 pm- let's just say- he isn't going to be an ER doc. thank heavens!


Beach Borchardts said...

Time flies when you're having fun!! Isn't that the old saying anyway?? Do you find it to be true?? ha!

Jessie said...

i LOVE the jammies at burger king pic. you made me laugh. :)

Grammy said...

Well, if he does have to do some time in the ER, maybe you'll have 2 rooms! You're a great wife and mom!