Friday, February 11, 2011


When we put lotion in Elle Belle's hair it gets CRAZY curly- I can't wait to see what it really does ;) ps her nose looks NOTHING like this in real life- but it's the only pic I have with the curly qs!
Valentine's Day hearts-
Ellie's hair- straight as an arrow- again- what's with the nose in all of these pics...
Edibly cute!
It looks like a wig doesn't it?- GORGEOUS!


Borchardt's said...

Very cute! I am jealous of the hair! My little girls better have hair like your girls! Love the blocks..way cute pics!!

Grammy said...

I think both the girls will have this amazing, thick beautiful hair, just like their mommy! They are both too gorgeous for words!!! Happy Valentines Day!

Michigan Roys said...

Beautiful girls! I love the heart hair!