Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I just LOVE this girl!

How can you resist this face?!
This is Emmy's new pose- and one of her Valentine outfits ;)
Her little smile just gets stranger and cuter ;)
A close up on the V-Day hair- it really was so cute.
again- the smile- wow= but this is our official Valentine outfit- she loved it- of course she did.


Borchardt's said...

cute cute girls! Ellie is a doll! I want to hold her! and i love emmys smile with the wrinkly noes very cute!

Unknown said...

Happy hearts day to my favorite lil valentine and her priceless smile! :) Love you Emmy!

Anonymous said...

How did you manage to get 2 darling girls?? shellfish!!

Beach Borchardts said...

this is a blog comment test, this is only a test

Beach Borchardts said...

yeah!!1 we are back in action!

Jessie said...

i love all the vday outfits. adorable. and the emmy smile. can't be beat.

Grammy said...

Princess CHEEEEEESE, such a dollie!