Sunday, April 3, 2011

Ellie is 2 months and lots of fun!

best friends!
isn't she the cutest?! and as a side note I am very proud of myself- I made the background blanket- so even months are going to be black and white and odd are brown and pink- ha ha ha

Is she note just the most darling little mouse?! I love her ;)


Unknown said...

WOW is all i can say about how cute she is!! I Love the pic of her smiling!! what a doll! and ps i want to know how to make that blanket because it is so cute and yours looks amazing!

Unknown said...

pps its me not Dan im just logged into Dans account..

Jessie said...

in a few of her pics i can see some similarities to emmy, but in others she looks so different. she is SO cute. i love the pouty lips, especially while she sleeps. so sweet.

Beach Borchardts said...

oh the sleeping picture!!! You are so smart to stop and photograph these moments cuz they disappear so quickly! Babies are just too darling sleeping like that! I love it! The smile is so darling and more frequent!

Carrie said...

You really have two of the most prettiest girls I have ever seen! Love the blanket!

Josh and Kelly said...

How is it possible that she just keeps getting cuter?!!!

Robbie + Carly said...

You are so talented! Can't wait for my little midget to come!

nicole said...

Lizzzzzzz she's soooo adorable!!!! I love you and miss you all.