Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Apple Hill

Oh, how we LOVE Apple Hill- the whole place is a party-- GREAT times! Here are just a few of the highlights.
One of the days highlights- running down, and then up, and then down again-- the clay hill-- endless fun.
The Apple treats. yum!
As you can tell by the jeans- Jett loved the running hill too-and didn't want to stop.
Waiting in line for the pony rides--
Once Jett realized that ponies were involved- he was happy again.
Emmy started out with tender petting of her pony--

Then she got weird...
and weirder still--
Then she got cocky- I love her.
Look at Jettman going in for the grab-- I love it.

Weenie came too- what a treat!
Emmy's favorite thing- to swing.
I think this was their 49th ride-- Emmy loved her cotton candy (thanks TT) and took it everywhere- multitasker.
Emmy discovering her worms and dirt (thanks KK) I LOVE her face in each of these-- you can see the transformation.
Grammy and Emmy-- not the best picture subjects...
Pure joy-- right here-- who knew all it took was caramel apples?!
Father of the year~
for SURE Father of the Year.


Beach Borchardts said...

ok-why is "and then she started getting wierd" in most of your posts? ha!! That looked like a fabulous day! The weather too! So gorgeous! cute little skeleton and I loved the Ellie caramel apple picts. That girl likes treats! Ems knew better than to have you hold her cotton candy! She'd have never gotten it back! ha! love you guys!

Jessie said...

such a fun day!! ellie is such a doll baby in those pics. too cute!

George and Tacie said...

I love Emmys hair!!! It reminds me of how Briellas use to be before all the curls grew out :( and ellie! They are both beautiful!!

Borchardt's said...

I LOVE ellies hair!! If my little abi comes out without any hair i will be so angry! She better come with hair like either emmys or ellies! They are so cute!!

Josh and Kelly said...

Ha ha laughing at that last pic, totally can relate. I think Emmy is looking a lot like you!! Especially in that pic where Jason is holding both of them. And I say it every time, but I can't get over Ellie's hair!!! Do you trim her bangs? I can't figure out what the heck to do with Marissa's hair sometimes.