Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Blockbuster Video ~What a difference!

What?! Blockbuster STILL exists?! They've dropped the "Video" a wise move.

In Bakersfield, I often feel like I am on the set of a movie-- this movie is set circa 1992- it's awesome. Someday soon I'll do an "I Am Legend" mall post- yep there are LOTS of these movie moments.

Blockbuster really IS so much better than Redbox- it makes the night fun and special~ to go get a movie-- yes, Netflix is more convenient- but the charm is somehow taken away- I'm so happy that Emmy gets to have this as part of her frame of reference-- I thought this was something I would someday tell my children- that there were stores where you rented movies-and they would say "na uh!"


Beach Borchardts said...

Yeah! That's fun!

Jessie said...

i am legend...? really? yikes! :)

bryce and paige said...

I can't believe there's a Blockbuster either? How is it not out of business? Just looking at these pictures makes me miss having one. We used to go there every weekend! The times changed without me even acknowledging it!