Friday, May 25, 2012

The caterpillars are HERE!!!!!

 They MADE it!!!! After waiting for a week-- literally checking the door hourly and leaving a note EVERY time we left the house-- our much anticipated guests have arrived--
 and they are HUGE!!! The idiot mailman left them in the mailbox--- yes-- the box that arrived is pictured above-- and I feel pretty obvious...
 Emmy is over the moon-- not only because they HUGE-- but mostly because they are alive ;)
 This is how we spend most of our time these days.
 Just observing and LOVING...
 Oh-- and this is how they crawl-- it was even better in real life...

 They also poop!
And to think-- just 2 short years ago-- Emmy's was having her first caterpillar experience!

1 comment:

Beach Borchardts said...

The caterpillar whisperer!!! I love the little round Ems and then the grown up version! crazy!