Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My Mother's Day Flowers!

 I was surprised the morning before Mother's Day with GORGEOUS flowers!
 and Jason got me a pregnancy pillow-- the best gift I EVER could have asked for~
 I can feel more sleep in my future!
Emmy even sang at church-- the first song didn't go well-- she had her huge tongue out like KISS (minus the scary makeup) for the whole thing~ the second song went a little better-- because she found her thumb and started sucking it (why?! she isn't a thumb sucker at all) ~but the last song was the jackpot-- she realized she was on a stage and that she loved me-- and so she started making loving faces, singing random words, along with air hugging, blowing kisses and other loving interpretive dancing-- it was fabulous!


Amber said...

Happy Mothers Day!!! And GOOD JOB Jason!!!

Beach Borchardts said...

Love the song story! ha! You just never know do you??

Jessie said...

love the flowers and the interpretive dancing. :) happy mother's day!

Sarah said...

Well played Jason. A pillow is a perfect gift for a pregnant person.

Josh and Kelly said...

Ha, I am laughing about Emmy because that was pretty much Shane on stage, except his loving interpretive dancing was of course, his happy dancing.