Friday, July 20, 2012

Best friend cutie pies!

 I love this little sleepy head!
 Elles always has her little finger in her binkie~
 "we need to be nice...don't pank (spank) bums" - Emmy reading the temple prep manual.
 Yet ANOTHER pet firefly-- the firefly population has decreased drastically since we've been here.
 Elles fell and scrapped her knee-- poor little thing! She is such an angel.
 She is such a great little helper.
 Little best friends.
 They have the funnest time at the YMCA splash pad-- they really are such cute little friends and playmates- I love!

Playtime in the dirt...nothing like it.  This has only gotten better since Papa sent some garden tools to the girls-- HOURS of fun!


Jessie said...

so sweet! i love it when they actually become friends, not just siblings.

Beach Borchardts said...

Elee looks blond in the first shot, I hate her knee, I love the 2 of them-just in time for Callahan!