Monday, July 9, 2012

Independence Day 2012!!

 The night before we went to Fort Gordon-- the military base-- and it was soo fun! There were amazing amazing fireworks-- one did get blown over and some pretty serious sparks (ok the firework itself) hit the blanket of the family next to us... thankfully, no one was hurt or trampled~ there was an exodus of families once it happened-- but we stood our ground and it was well worth it-- the girls LOVED the party.
 The actual day of the 4th was VERY FUN!!== we went to Sam's club for hot dogs, and to a town party at night.

 There is nothing like free blow up toys--(I love this pic-- here Ems is waiting patiently--with her little hands on her hip-- so cute!-- and don't you adore this of Elles? ha!! she loves the little Sam's club potty-- nothing ever comes out-- but she pushes and pushes)
 or bubbles in abundance.

 There were crafts (it was sooo hot that the girls got to make fans)
 this is Ellie's cheese face-- not the ideal...
 there were LOTS of other activities during the day (more posts to come) but the night ended with our very own fireworks-- much to the girls' delight.
 Tasting a firework-- of course she is.
Enjoying the show!
Watching the Capitol Fourth-- and dancing on the table-- it's what we do.

1 comment:

Beach Borchardts said...

We love America!! Ems is like the eveready bunny!