Sunday, July 1, 2012

Loving these summer evening walks!

 Last week we went on a walk and had an impromptu photo shoot--
 Callahan at 23.5 weeks-- what a little stud!

 Emmy adores dandelions--
 blowing them-- or dancing with them is a favorite past time at our house.
 As is catching baby frogs and polliwogs.

 Here Emmy is singing to her little friend (clutched in her hand)
 Her she is delighted

 Elles isn't as good at catching them yet-- but she still loves them.

 Here we all are== pushing an empty stroller-- the story of every parent's life.
 Emmy found an injured dragonfly-- they were best friends for the rest of the night-- she even brought him home afterwards-- where he is now~ no one knows.
 Ellie loving on Callan-- look at those cute little tip toes--
 please note Emmy lowering herself into the river-- nice.
 Elles loves shoes-- especially ones that are too big for her.
 Ellie eating a gardenia I gave her to SMELL~
 a random pic of Ellie climbing the McDonald's slide-- but I like it-- so, here it stays!
and another friend we found while on our walk-- it was a GREAT time!


Beach Borchardts said...

Too many beautiful shots to even comment on but what a great little slice of life post! The slide one reminds me of ice diving-it's eerie! love the creatures and flowers and cuteness! Callahan is not a LITTLE stud! ha! He's ginormous! Can't wait to meet him!

Jessie said...

i cannot even explain how crazy jealous i am of what you look like pregnant. ideal. you're too beautiful.

Sarah said...

You have bangs too! Probably before me, meaning not only did I copy Kelly D, but you too. Love em.