Friday, September 14, 2012

Labor Day camping trip with the Jenkins and the Princes

 Ellie's first time camping- aside from a 2 minute panic attack the first night
(when we closed the tent) she ADORED it.
 We are VERY thankful to the Princes for allowing us to borrow their tent-- even though I teased them that it might be a demo-- you know, those mini ones that are the models at stores~ our family actually slept very comfortably in this little structure-- thank heavens for friends who have everything!

 I love this pic--everyone is doing their own thing-- but check out Evie watching Ellie being swung around by Jason.

 She liked the idea and wanted to join in-- you're welcome LIZ.
 It was so cute how they were little fun friends.
 Jason was the entertainer-- and here he is swinging EVERY kid!
 I love this one of all of them begging for more
 best friend braidy girls!!
The BEST part of the weekend-- though many fabulous memories were made-- is that our kids got to spend time together and be best friends too-- I love it!


Beach Borchardts said...

Such a great idea! Gld you grabbed the moment!

Sarah said...

I had so much fun.

Chelsea said...

That looks miserable. I'm really glad you guys had fun though:)!

Grammy said...

I think this is working w/ my new phone...yay! This is so great for all the fams, lasting memories - great times you'll always treasure!!!